A Journey through the Kingdom of God was written to give God's children the proper spiritual teaching, resources, and a true sword to fight a good fight of faith to win spiritual warfare. Rev. Wiggins, Sr found that most of God's children were suffering because of lack of knowledge, so he went into God's Spiritual Pharmacy, the Bible, and wrote a very powerful prescription. This Spiritual Formula will cure all of God's children from this disgraceful disease. In an effort to make the spiritual learning process easier, the Author scripturally defines and describes the path that leads to external life and the one that leads to external death. He outlines salvation, how to develop a spiritual life, how to live holy, how to pray, and how to continue down the path of righteousness as a knowledgeable Christian.
“A Journey through the Kingdom of God”
On September 11 Carolyn R. Scheidies of AUTHOR'S CHOICE REVIEWS gave this book a rousing revie
The author is obviously passionate about his subject and well uses scripture to back up his points. The book offers some interesting insights much needed in the church today.
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I have witnessed the transformation of Rev. Noah Wiggins Sr as he has been set free from following the traditions of Men to follow Christ. I have known Rev. Noah Wiggins Sr for 17 years. I see how the power of God's Word has helped him acheive wholeness and spiritual freedom as he grew in the knowledge." Hosea 4:5. During his transformation, he talked about how he grappled with staying in the church, and become part of the power structure within the church. However, he stated his attempt at staying left him feeling disappointed and unfulfilled. Rev. Noah Wiggins, Sr is concerned with what he sees as economic and social neglect within the church because it does not offer God's children most spiritual development relevant which would improve their daily lives. Believers are being told, "But my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Phil 4:19. First, believers needs to be taught whom God is and who they are in Christ. Jesus used parable to teach spiritual principles and precepts which are as relevant today as in Biblical time. Rev. Noah Wiggins Sr has committed himself to teaching the full unadulterated gospel of Jesus Christ. He refuses to teach a form of Godliness and Religiosity that has no power, a gospel which will manipulate and exploit the Faithful and leave them ignorant of God's word. He voices a desire to see Christians walking and living by Faith. He believes he has been inspired to write this book to lift others out of darkness and into the light of Christ.
-- Sister Mary---Amen, Bro Johnson